Series of enemies, you MUST defeat

Grab you weapon, spiritual energy, mental energy or magical energy and prepare for combat young combatant.

Cybernetic Merc, MR 40- An expensive android programmed with you on his Hit List. Best thing to do is literally have psionic powers. I mean you can still chop it up, shoot it with acid arrows and shoot its eyes out with magic missile. I’m just saying that have a regenerative factor. Their robotic armor can literally breathe in surrounding oxygen and repair damage. Also has a right plasma shoulder cannon, laser sword left wrist attachment and a bio-helmet. The bio-helmet tracks only heat or energy. So if you’re cold-blooded or happen to not be emitting heat or energy, then you can kick this Merc’s blind butt! If not, I recommend having some type of armor that can absorb +20 damage or higher. Good luck! You get 400 exp pts.

Dark Shaman, MR 5- What more can I say? That shaman is channeling the energy of the surrounding elements into one move “Elemental Wave”. The wave of natural energies consists of dark, water, fire and earth. It WILL hurt! I mean it’s +20 damage if you’re weak against dark, water, fire and/or earth. If not, it’s just regular damage. 500 exp pts are gained.

Amazin, MR 56 – A demon that’s lived for a few centuries (you can tell by those long horns). It’s just a tough demon, but can still be killed with the help of holy damage. He uses evil magic, so he does +20 to holy. You get 5600 exp.

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